Why English is so important ?
Why English is so important? • have you ever thought that why English is this much important? L et's talk about it..first of all, we need to have a clear idea about what is English and why we need it. English is the most popular language in the world. most of people use English as their native language.in other words, english is the key to the world. it is true that there are hundreds of countries, and islands in this world. therefore people have their own native languages.there are thousands of languages. many countries have endemic languages to speak...as examples : Sri Lanka is an Asian country and Sinhala is their native main language. that means Sri Lanka is the only country who speaks sinhala language. Korea is an Asian country and their native language is Korean. Japanese is the native language in Japan. Chinese is the native language of china. like wise many countries have their own native languages.they are endemis for them. But then why do they need English? well..actua...